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信息来源:中华人民共和国商务部网站      发布日期:2015-12-18      浏览次数:3009次








  Joint Statement by Trade Ministers of China and US on the Expansion of WTO Information Technology Agreement

  Minister ofCommenceGao Hucheng of China and US Trade Representative Michael Froman discussed and reached consensus on thenegotiationson theexpansionof the WTO InformationTechnologyAgreement on December 16, 2015. Theyjointlyissuedthefollowingstatement:

  Recalling thenegotiationson theexpansionof product coverage of the WTO InformationTechnologyAgreement,

  Recalling theimportant guidance on the ITAexpansionnegotiations provided by President XiJinping andPresident Obama when they met inSunnyland,Californiain June 2013,

  Recalling the importantprogressmade on theexpansionnegotiationsby the two sides during the APEC MRT in Qingdao in May 2014,

  Recalling the importantconsensusof the two sidesjointlyannounced by President XiandPresident Obama when President Obama visited Beijing inNovember2014,

  Recalling the Declaration on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products reached by participants in July 2015,

  The twoministers have agreed on thestagingof theirrespectiveschedules. They hope this will provide important momentum to complete the ITAexpansionnegotiationsduring the ongoing Tenth Ministerial Conference of the WTO. They also believe that the outcome of the ITA expansion negotiations will promote world ITtradeand will further thegrowthof the world economy.